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HomeLife Transitions

Learning About Life Transitions


The recently published book (2012), Live Smart After 50!  The Experts’ Guide to Life Planning for Uncertain Times, included the following definition:  “Life planning is thinking in a purposeful way about how you want to live.  It begins with knowing who you are --- your values, strengths and motivations – then applies this knowledge to making choices and setting goals.  Life planning helps you take responsibility for and create your best life after 50.” For details on this book click here


We are looking for a dedicated and committed person to lead a book discussion group using Live Smart After 50!  and other books such as this newly published book (2013) --   Encore Career Handbook:  How to Make a Living and a Difference in the Second Half of Life.  For details click  here


Here are other books that could also serve as a foundation for an engaging discussion group relating to life transitions such as retirement planning and living:


The Big Shift:  Navigating the New Stage Beyond Midlife   Details here


What Color is Your Parachute? For Retirement:  Planning a Prosperous, Healthy and Happy Future   Details here


How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free:  Retirement Wisdom that You Won’t Get from Your Financial Advisor  Details here


Job and Career Resources for Mature and Older Job-Seekers -- Including the Baby Boomers, Third-Agers


If you’re interested and able to coordinate and lead a book discussion group please contact the Chairman at